Silvana is a member of the QSR International team, in the role of Training & Research Consultancy Manager for EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa). She is a sociologist with a PhD from the London School of Economics and worked in academia for 20 years as a qualitative researcher in the field of social gerontology, as a lecturer in social policy and finally as Director of Graduate Research Training at Cranfield School of Management.
She has published extensively in the field of qualitative analysis and software use, including the following resources: di Gregorio, S. and Davidson, J. (2008) Qualitative Research Design for Software Users, Maidenhead: Open University Press/ McGraw Hill, and Davidson, J. and di Gregorio, S. (2011) Qualitative Research and Technology: In the Midst of a Revolution in N.K. Denzin and Y.S. Lincoln (Eds.), (4th edition, pp. 627-643) The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research, Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
Training & Consultancy
Silvana delivers a number of training workshops for QSR across Europe and is also available for one-on-one personal assistance sessions. Timberlake are currently designing training courses/seminars with the QSR team for 2014, with details to be available soon.