Robert A. Yaffee, Ph.D. is currently a research scientist/research professor at the Silver School of Social Work, New York University and a senior research scientist/statistician on National Science Foundation grant #0826983 to study the psychological sequelae of the Chernobyl accident in collaboration with co-principal investigors at the University of Colorado, Colorado State University, and at the Academy of Labor and Social Relations, Federation of Trade Unions, in Kiev, Ukraine.
Robert Yaffee is currently working on several longitudinal research projects. These projects entail panel data analysis, event history analysis, time series analysis, state space models, Bayesian disease mapping and risk analysis. Robert Yaffee has taught short courses on introductory, intermediate, and advanced time series analysis, volatility analysis, and forecasting. Robert Yaffee is the author of a variety of articles reviewing statistical packages and is currently writing about applied time series analysis and forecasting.
Training & Consultancy
Robert Yaffee currently delivers the two part course: An Introduction to Times Series Analysis and Forecasting and Times Series Analysis and Forecasting, as well as leading Advanced Topics in State Space Models and Dynamic Factor Analysis.