Christopher F. “Kit” Baum (Boston College)
Christopher F. "Kit" Baum is Professor of Economics and Social Work at Boston College (Chestnut Hill MA, USA) and DIW Research Fellow at the Department of Macroeconomics, DIW Berlin, Berlin, Germany. Kit Baum’s research interests include applied econometrics, effects of uncertainty on firm behaviour, monetary policy and capital investment decision.
In addition, Christopher Baum is a key Stata author, authoring the 2009 Stata Press title An Introduction to Stata Programming.
Click here for Kit Baum’s homepage, while a list of his current works can also be found via the IDEAS website.
Training & Consultancy
Kit Baum currently delivers the UK Stata public attendance training course: Econometrics using Stata.
Feedback and Testimonials
Delegates feedback from Econometrics using Stata course, answering "What did you find most useful about the course?":
- " Automation and programming using Stata"
- "All the syntaxis we learnt."
- "Worked examples of Stata code."
- "The comprehensive coverage and detailed explanation, illustrations, etc."
- "Many different methods were mentioned."
- "Examples of Stata code, theory background of methods."
- "Comprehensive overview of many different techniques and commands and some really great user packages."
- "Panel estimation and detailed notes on the slides."