EndNote 21, the world’s best reference manager, helps you save time, stay organized, collaborate with colleagues, and ultimately, get published. So, you can focus on what matters most: your ideas.


Accelerate your research and focus on your ideas with Endnote 21

  • Insert in-text citations from your library with the Cite While You Write feature in Microsoft® Word.
  • Automatically build your bibliography using the library of 7,000+ output styles or your own customized style.
  • Ensure your bibliography is accurate with refreshed journal and referencing styles.
  • Search hundreds of online resources for references and PDFs.
  • Access full text research articles with one click.
  • Easily read, review, annotate and search PDFs in your library.
  • Create rules to automatically organize references as you write.
  • Keep your data accurate with automatic reference and link updating.

EndNote 21 is here!

The best reference management tool is getting even better. The all new EndNote 21 and EndNote Web help you manage and format citations like never before with bold new features.

With EndNote 21 you stay organized using features like tags that enhance productivity. You can enjoy peace of mind with data restoration functions that protect your work and improve your writing workflow with integrated document creation tools for Google Docs.

Protect your work with data restoration function

Take a deep breath. If the unthinkable happens, EndNote 21 can recover your library from the cloud and get you back where you belong.

In EndNote 21, you can restore your library and library structure with our new data restoration function, ensuring your research is not lost. With single reference restoration you can also compare and restore previous versions of individual references.



Stay Organised with Tags

Tags are customizable labels that let you organize your references however you’d like. You can add tags to references and customize the color and name of the tags.

You can add multiple tags to a reference and anyone who you share your library with can view a tag, making tags a great way to quickly and intuitively organize your references.



Cite While You Write Google Docs™

Our best-in-class Cite While You Write (CWYW) tool makes it easy to insert your EndNote references into Microsoft Word™ or Apple Pages™. CWYW automatically creates in-text citations and reference lists and easily change the format of your in-text citations and reference lists.

CWYW will soon also be available to EndNote 21 customers in Google Docs™ via Google Workspace Marketplace, making it easier to write your next paper and to collaborate on documents with colleagues.


Experience a new exclusive EndNote Web interface

With EndNote you can access your research anytime, anywhere from the cloud. Move seamlessly between online and the desktop and iPad applications.

Say hello to the brand new EndNote Web, available only to EndNote 21 customers for three years from activation date. Securely sync your entire library including PDF’s, notes, and annotations across all your devices.


Please send us an email info@timberlake.ae to discuss your EndNote new purchase or upgrade requirements – or to receive a fixed price from us.

System Requirements

EndNote loves both the Windows® and Macintosh® platforms.

Windows compatibility and system requirements

What you need:

  • Windows 10, 11
  • 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster x86-bit or x64-bit processor
  • 600 MB hard disk space available
  • Minimum 2 GB of available RAM
  • Word processor software
  • Microsoft Word [CWYW] for Windows: 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2021, Office 365 (locally installed desktop version only)
  • Apache OpenOffice [CWYW] for Windows: 3.x, 4.x
  • LibreOffice [CWYW] for Windows: 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, 7.x (32-bit)
  • Partner CWYW Integration: Wolfram Mathematica 8
  • An Internet connection is required to register for online access, search online databases, find full text and automatically update references.

Macintosh compatibility and system requirements

What you need:

  • macOS 10.14, 10.15, 11, 12, 13, 14
  • Intel-based or Apple Silicon-based Macintosh
  • Hard disk with 700 MB available
  • Minimum 2GB of available RAM
  • Word processor software
  • Microsoft Word [CWYW] for macOS: 2016, 2019, 2021, Office 365 (locally installed desktop version only)
  • Partner integration for Cite While You Write: Apple® Pages
  • Partner CWYW Integration: Wolfram Mathematica 8
  • Format Paper: Word processors that save .rtf files:
  • Apple iWork Pages – versions 1, 2.x, 3.x, 4.x
  • TextEdit – for supported macOS versions
  • Apache OpenOffice – versions 1, 2.x, 3.x
  • Nissus Writer – for supported macOS version
  • Mellel – versions 1, 2.x
  • Format Paper: Word processors that save .odt files:
  • Apache OpenOffice versions 1, 2.x, 3.x
  • EndNote online compatibility and requirements


Browser support for Web Application*

  • Firefox® 27 or later
  • Safari® 5.0 or later
  • Chrome® 31 or later

Browser support for Web Capture**

  • Bookmarklet*
  • Firefox 27 or later
  • Safari 5.0 or later
  • Chrome 31 or later

*Applies to both Macintosh and Windows browser versions, except for Internet Explorer, which is Windows only

**Cookies and JavaScript must be enabled


EndNote Click Browser Plugin

Supports the latest Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera Browsers

Network compatibility and system requirements

EndNote libraries can be accessed on a network – including networks with Macintosh and Windows workstations. Multiple users on a network can access an EndNote library simultaneously in read-only mode. This allows users to search for references, cite them in their papers and create bibliographies. EndNote does not allow multiple users on a network to edit a single library at the same time.

On Windows networks, EndNote can be deployed with MSI installer technology using scripting or via Group Policy. If you have technical questions regarding the use of EndNote on a network, contact Support.

EndNote Cross-Platform Compatibility

What you need:

  • EndNote libraries are cross-platform compatible. Following the EndNote end user license agreement, this means:
  • Individuals who purchase a single user license can install EndNote on up to three computers for their personal use.
  • Sharing a license with other users is not allowed under the individual license agreement.
  • Those computers can be any combination of Mac and Windows machines.
  • By creating or logging into an EndNote online account (under preferences > Sync), that individual can sync their library across all three computers, as well as access it through EndNote online and the iPad app.

NOTE: Your EndNote product key is required for activation. Your key is the 25-character code you received at time of purchase.