Support for Charities
In recognition of the support and medical care provided to Ana Timberlake, founder of Timberlake Consultants, we as a business are committed to donating a percentage of our profits to help create awareness, assist patients and contribute towards the search for a cure for Interstitial Lung Diseases.
> About Ana, founder of Timberlake Consultants
Breathing Matters
Breathing Matters is the new Centre for Respiratory Research fund which is part of the University College London Hospital (UCLH) Charity. It has been set up to raise awareness and to work with patients to help find a cure for Interstitial Lung Diseases, such as Pulmonary Fibrosis and other Respiratory Infections, including Bronchiectasis and Pneumonia.
The aim of Breathing Matters is to support the Centre for Respiratory Research (CRR) in their commitment to find better ways to diagnose and treat respiratory diseases, but to also encourage patients, their families and friends to become actively involved (as advocates, advisors, fundraisers or even participants).
The focus of the research is on ILDs and Lung Infection. Both these areas are currently under-funded in the UK and we aim to raise awareness of these little known diseases.
The CRR at University College London (UCL) is one of the world’s leading research centres for respiratory diseases. The CRR promote and conduct medical research into the prevention, treatment and cure of respiratory diseases.
Members of the Timberlake Consultants team take part in the Breathing Matters Annual 7-mile Bike Ride around Richmond Park in London. So far we have raised over £15,000.00 through generous donations notably from StataCorp LP, Prof. Sir David F. Hendry, Dr. Jurgen Doornik and Aptech Inc. We thank everyone who has helped to reach our targets so generously through their donations.
With the money raised, Timberlake were delighted to announce that Breathing Matters have been able to purchase a Cryoscope. This fantastic piece of ground breaking equipment allows doctors to take lung biopsies through a bronchoscope rather than having to subject patients to open lung surgery. This will mean that patients that need a lung biopsy to diagnosis their lung disease, may spend less time in hospital and will not be left with painful or unsightly scars on their chest wall.
Wells Research Fund
The Wells Research Fund is part of the Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS trust in London. The fund is led by Prof. Athol Wells, whose particular expertise is in diffuse lung disease. His research interests include: prognostic evaluation in diffuse lung disease, using HRCT and pulmonary function tests; the definition of relationships between structure and function in diffuse lung disease; the definition of disease type and severity in genetic and laboratory studies; and studies of new therapies in diffuse lung disease.
Prof. Wells chairs the British Thoracic Society group revising guidelines in diffuse lung disease. He also sits on the American Thoracic Society / European Respiratory Society group revising guidelines in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis as well as other joint groups involved in the definition of: non-specific interstitial pneumonia; smoking related diffuse lung disease; and acute exacerbations of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
In addition, Prof. Wells sits on advisory boards for the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine and Thorax and is the principal editor or co-editor of three books.