Stata’s biggest release ever is available from today, 7 June 2017. There are many new and important features available within Stata release 15, all of which you can learn more about on the dedicated Stata pages of our website.
Stata 15 has something for everyone. Below we list the highlights of the release. This release is unique because most of the new features can be used by researchers in every discipline.
- ERMs–Combine endogenous covariates, sample selection, and endogenous treatment in models for continuous, binary, and ordered outcomes
- Latent class analysis (LCA)
- Bayes’s prefix for 45 estimation commands
- Produce Word® and PDF documents embedding Stata results and graphs
- Markdown and dynamic documents: Create web pages with Stata output, graphs …
- Linearized dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models
- Finite mixture models (FMMs) for 17 estimators and combinations (survival)
- Spatial autoregressive models
- Interval-censored survival models
- Nonlinear multilevel mixed-effects models
- Mixed logit models: advanced choice modeling
- Nonparametric regression
- Browse and import data from FRED
- Threshold regression
- Bayesian multilevel models
- Panel data tobit
- Multilevel regression for interval-censored data
- Multilevel tobit regression for censored data
- Panel-data cointegration tests
- Tests for multiple breaks in time series
- Multiple-group SEM for continuous, binary, ordered, and count outcomes
- Multiple-group multilevel SEM
- Power analysis for cluster randomized designs
- Power analysis for linear regression models
- Heteroskedastic linear regression
- Stata in Swedish
- Poisson with sample selection
- Zero-inflated ordered probit
- Add your own power and sample-size methods
- Transparency on graphs
- Stream random-number generator
Stata 15 is a complete, integrated statistical package that provides everything you need for data analysis, data management, and graphics. Stata is not sold in modules, which means you get everything you need in one package. And, you can choose a perpetual licence, with nothing more to buy ever. Annual licences are also available.
All of the following flavours of Stata have the same complete set of commands and features and manuals included as PDF documentation within Stata.
- Stata/MP: The fastest version of Stata (for dual-core and multicore/multiprocessor computers);
- Stata/SE: Stata for large datasets;
- Stata/IC: Stata for moderate-sized datasets;