The newest edition of our suite of EViews training courses will will run in both London, UK and New York City, USA in October 2016.
Dr. Andrea Carreiro delivers this three day course aimed at:
- Economists and statisticians at Central Banks, public institutions, financial institutions, consultancy firms;
- Any firm who deals with forecasting in their daily work;
- Academics and research economists who use, or are interested in forecasting techniques for their research;
- Professionals involved in rating activities.
Whether you deal with forecasting at a Central Bank, public institution, bank or consultancy firm; or you use forecasting techniques in your research, this is the perfect course to bring you up to date with the latest methods in the forecasting profession. We begin softly by reviewing some classic time series methods and standard point and density forecasting tools (fan charts), but rapidly turn to the state-of-the-art forecasting methods such as Mixed Frequency Data Sampling (MIDAS), Regime (or Markov) Switching models, and Bayesian forecasting techniques.
The course will focus on the empirical implementation of the techniques, rather than on theoretical underpinnings. The techniques will be illustrated with several empirical applications and will use EViews 9 in the practical examples and deminstrations. Experience in forecasting is advantageous, the course is equally suitable for professionals who have just recently started to forecast macroeconomic and financial indicators. Previous knowledge and experience in econometrics is essential.
Click the links below to view full course information and to register your place online.
- Macroeconomic Density Forecasting & Nowcasting, London, UK
- Macroeconomic Density Forecasting & Nowcasting, New York City, USA
Timberlake is the official distributor of EViews software to the UK and Ireland and the leading global provider of EViews training courses.